My girlfriend and I went up into the mountains Saturday morning to get some fishing in on the South Platte River in. A few hours of throwing the line in and several different lures and we had caught nothing. The wide open area surrounding the reservoir is pretty, and there’s almost no terrain. The wind made it a little tough to get a fly to land where I wanted even though the river isn’t all that big.
We spent the night in a spot some friends knew about and got up early the next morning to try Eleven Mile Canyon. The canyon is a beautiful drive, if a bit crowded. There were lots of other people fishing along the entirety of the river. The road that goes up the canyon costs $6 to drive up and stops at the dam below Eleven Mile Canyon Reservoir. It’s quite weird to be probably less than a mile from where we fished the day before, but still about a 30 minute drive all the way around.
We saw a few fish jump in the canyon but couldn’t seem to get them to bite anything. The entire weekend we didn’t see a single person pull a fish out of either spot. The water was high, which didn’t help, but I also think the fish are quite wary with so many anglers on the water. This one is probably only worth the drive up if you like the view, the fishing wasn’t all that great.